The Wishlist of Ron Bowers
Last Updated 11/18/18


Levi 501 Jeans size 42w x 30 L

Bed sheets for California King

White socks for size 14

New Balance tennis shoes. The model I have is 840 size 14 D purchased at tenni Moks near spring and Palo Verde end store near Ladoga house. 

Mens Spill fighter T shirt with pocket.  Size 2xl.  Colors -  Navy, Grey Heather, Eucalyptus, Dark Grey. 

Mens Longtail T Trim fit T shirt with pocket.   color dark grey and Grey Heather size 2xl  T shirts




White Wine

Rom Bauer chardeny 2017  about $35-40 my favorite


Red Wines

Ferrari Carano – Cabernet Sauvignon  $20-30

Provenance Vineyard  Cabernet Sauvignon napa Valley no longer at costo but was $32 their

Hall Cabernet Sauignon  Costco $45